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Wednesday, April 7, 2021
💳How to learn seo from 💰
-The unique ID of the current asset
-Type code (eg. page_standard)
-Full web address of the current asset
-"Web path" of the current asset (ie. relative href/link)
-IMG tag for the thumbnail for this asset
-ALT attribute of Thumbnail
-URL to the image for the thumbnail for this asset
-Caption of the thumbnail for this asset
-Metadata field name
-Value of another metadata field to insert into the current metadata fieldInsert other metadata field value
-Any keyword in 'Common Asset Keywords' (without the 'asset_')A meta-keyword which allows you to list (nearly) any keyword for the current asset.
-Any keyword in 'Attribute Keywords'A more specific version of %globals_X% used for asset attributes.
-Any keyword in 'Attribute Keywords'A specific asset idA more specific version of %globals_asset_attribute_X% used for listing an asset attribute for the asset ID specified in Y.
-Asset type, eg. standard_pageAsset Map icon of asset type X.
-Any keyword in 'Common Asset Keywords' (without the 'asset_')A meta-keyword which allows you to list (nearly) any keyword for the current site.
-Any keyword in 'Common Asset Keywords' (without the 'asset_')A meta-keyword which allows you to list (nearly) any keyword for the current user
-PHP date format
Prints the current server date and time. Date and time can be formatted by replacing X with a
-PHP formatted server date/time]]>, for example %globals_date_M% prints the three letter representation of the current month.
-Query string/get variable name (eg. ?X=something)Non-array value of a GET variable.
-POST variable name (ie. from the input of the submitting form)Non-array value of a POST variable.
-PHP Server Variable
-PHP Server Variable]]>
-Session variable nameSession var. from Matrix sandbox
-Cookie variable nameVariable from the current user's cookies.
-Random whole (integer) number.
-Start of the random number rangeEnd of the random number rangeRandomly generated number (X to Y). For example, to generate a random number from 1 to 10 use %globals_random_1_10%.
-Refer to any keyword of nested asset
-Any keyword in 'Common Asset Keywords'Keyword of referring asset
-Keyword from 'Common Asset Keywords' or 'Less Common Asset Keywords'ModifierAllows the modification of an existing keyword.
-Keyword from 'Common Asset Keywords' or 'Less Common Asset Keywords'URL encoded version of X.
-Keyword from 'Common Asset Keywords' or 'Less Common Asset Keywords'UPPERCASE version of X.
-Keyword from 'Common Asset Keywords' or 'Less Common Asset Keywords'Number of characters in X.
-Variety name
-Asset Map icon of the current asset.
-Keyword probably from the list of 'Common Asset Keywords', eg. %link_target_name%.Keyword of the linked asset.
-PHP formatted date
-PHP formatted date the asset was created]]>
-PHP formatted date
-PHP formatted date the asset was created]]>
-PHP formatted date
-PHP formatted date the asset was created]]>
-Comma separated list of the full names for users with read access
-Comma separated list of the full names for users with write access
-Comma separated list of the full names for users with administrator access
-Comma separated list of email addresses for users with read access
-Comma separated list of email addresses for users with write access
-Comma separated list of email addresses for users with administrator access
-Comma separated list of linked email addresses for users with read access
-Comma separated list of linked email addresses for users with write access
-Comma separated list of linked email addresses for users with administrator access
-Asset contents with paint layout. Note: doesn't work for shadow assets (eg. LDAP users) until 3.16.0.
-Asset contents, no paint layout. Note: doesn't work for shadow assets (eg. LDAP users) until 3.16.0.
-Paint layout name or asset id to use for contents listed when nesting asset listingAsset contents, no paint layout
-Image width in pixelsasset
-Image height in pixelsasset
-assetVariety namePrints the Image Variety using an tag
-assetVariety name
-assetVariety namePrints the Image Variety width in pixels.
-assetVariety namePrints the Image Variety height in pixels.
-Keyword name on 'Conditional Keywords' screen of the type formatIf paint layout condition met
-Keyword name on 'Conditional Keywords' screen of the type formatIf paint layout condition not met
-Keyword name on 'Conditional Keywords' screen of the type formatEnd conditional paint layout content
-Name of the search field as configured on the 'Search Fields' screenInput box for search terms
-Name of the search field as configured on the 'Search Fields' screenDrop down logic chooser
-Field name set on 'Search fields' screenShow the search terms entered by the user
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-'Results Page Layout' bodycopy
-Last page number to print'Results Page Layout' bodycopySliding list of page numbers
-Field name set on 'Search Fields' screen
-Field name set on 'Search Fields' screen
-Field name set on 'Search Fields' screen
-Field name set on 'Search Fields' screen
-Field name set on 'Search Fields' screen
-The combined tag weighting across the candidate assets.
-Prints the user's email address as an image.
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